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1. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "al-Juzʾ al-Tāsiʿ wa-al-ʿIshrūn min Makhṭūṭat Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab: Ḥawādith Sanat 693H ilá 698H (1293/1298M). " Edited and translated by Shah Morad Elham. In Kitbuġā und Lāğīn: Studien zur Mamluken-Geschichte nach Baibars al-Manṣūrī und an-Nuwairī. 141-237, 31-88. Freiburg: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1977.
Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 46
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography
2. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Masjid Dimashq. " Collated by Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Munajjid. In Madīnat Dimashq ʿinda al-Jughrāfīyīn wa-al-Raḥḥālīn al-Muslimīn. 210-215. Beirut: Dār al-Kitāb al-Jadīd, 1967.
Notes: Review see al-Nakadī.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Descriptions of Towns--Damascus
3. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Nuwayrī (mort en 1332). " Translated by Gabriel Ferrand. In Relations de voyages et textes géographiques arabes, persans et turks relatifs à l'Extrême-Orient du VIIIe au XVIIIe siècles. vol. 2: 394-397, 614-625. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1914.
Series: Documents historiques et géographiques relatifs à l'Indochine,
Notes: Extracts.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography/Literature
4. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Histoire de la province d'Afrique et du Maghrib, traduite de l'arabe d'En-Noweiri. " Journal asiatique (3rd ser.) 11, 12; 13, (1841; 1842): 97-135, 557-583; 441-483; 49-64.
Notes: Translation of the sixth chapter of the fifth section of al-Nuwayrī's Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab dealing with the conquest of Ifriqiya, Maghrib, and al-Andalus up to the year 800 A.D. by William MacGuckin de Slane.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography/Literature
5. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Les ordonnances égyptiennes sur les costumes des chrétiens et des juifs au commencement du XIVe siècle, tirées de l'histoire de Nouweiri. " Journal asiatique (5th ser.) 5, (1855): 393-396.
Notes: Translated from al-Nuwayri by Hammer-Purgstall.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Christianity and Judaism/Historiography
6. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Le texte de Nuwairi sur l'attaque d'Alexandrie (1365) par Pierre I de Lusignan. " Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Farouk I University 3, (1946): 99-110, 119-129.
Notes: Alternative journal title: Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb, Jāmiʿat Fārūq al-Awwal. Edited by Etienne Combe. Title of Arabic section: "Baʿḍ Muntakhabāt min Kitāb al-Ilmām bil-Aʿlām fīmā Jarat bih al-Aḥkām wa-al-Umūr al-Maqḍīyah fī Wāqiʿat al-Iskandarīyah (Sanat 767 H)."
Uniform Title: al-Ilmām bil-Aʿlām fīmā Jarat bih al-Aḥkām wa-al-Umūr al-Maqḍīyah fī Wāqiʿat al-Iskandarīyah
Subjects: Historiography
7. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). "Al-Nuwayrī: les fêtes islamiques, persanes, chrétiennes et juives. " Arabica 32, 1 (1985): 80-101.
Notes: Translation of extracts from volume 1 of Nihāyat al-Arab. Translated by M. Espéronnier.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography/Literature
8. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). Historia de los musulmanes de España y África por en-Nuguairí. Edited and translated by M. Gaspar Remiro. 2 vols.. Granada: Centro de estudios históricos de Granada y su reino, 1917-1919.
Notes: Review see Krenkow.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography
9. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). Tārīkh al-Maghrib al-Islāmī fī al-ʿAṣr al-Wasīṭ (Ifrīqīyā wa-al-Maghrib. al-Andalus. Ṣiqillīyah wa-Iqrīṭish) (27-719H/647-1319M): Min Kitāb Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab. Edited by Muṣṭafá Abū Ḍayf Aḥmad. al-Dār al-Bayḍāʾ: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah, 1984.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography
10. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab. 31 vols.. Cairo: al-Muʾassasah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʿĀmmah lil-Taʾlīf wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Ṭibāʿah wa-al-Nashr, al-Hayʾah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʿĀmmah lil-Kitāb, 1964-1992.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography/Literature
11. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab. 18 vols.. Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣrīyah, 1923-1955.
Notes: Review see al-Karmalī; Krenkow; al-Maghribī.
Uniform Title: Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab
Subjects: Historiography/Literature
12. al-Nuwayrī, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (1279-1332?). Der Überfall Alexandrien's durch Peter I., König von Jerusalem und Cypern, aus einer ungedruckten arabischen Quelle mit historischen und kritischen Anmerkungen dargestellt. Excerpts translated by Is. Jos. H. Paul Herzsohn. xxvi, 50 pp.. Bonn: Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi, 1886.
Notes: Erstes Heft. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde bei der philosophischen Facultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn.
Uniform Title: al-Ilmām bil-Aʿlām fīmā Jarat bih al-Aḥkām wa-al-Umūr al-Maqḍīyah fī Wāqiʿat al-Iskandarīyah
Subjects: Historiography



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